Sunday, May 2, 2010

Final Images of Crysis Wars Environment

Kuepper's lab is on the right, and Hawking's is the one on the left. Kuepper has a lot of space on top of her lab to test the solar cells she creates, and Hawking has both undercover areas and outside areas in order to reach his goal of understanding the universe.

This view is next to Kuepper’s ramp which is simpler than Hawking’s as she simplifies previous ideas for solar cells. The ramps are dissimilar, but work together and form the pathway below which is the meeting place.

This is a view from halfway down the ramp for Hawking to the meeting area. It’s narrow turns widely around the meeting area, making his descent gradual just like an understanding of the universe would be: a steady and prolonged process.

This view is from the edge of the meeting area and it continues as a path underneath the building. The ramps can only collide in this shape if they both exist, just as we can have no change without understanding.

1 comment:

  1. Good: You can easily see the different spaces in the structure, and it's obvious you've put a lot of thought into the meaning behind it. I also like the angles that you've done the image captures.

    Not as good: You can't see all the shadows really well, and it might have looked a little better if you'd put trees and rocks into the landscape.

    Overall, well done :)
